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Contra Stavrinides
by Frank Nelte


In Part I we briefly looked at the approach that Dr. Stavrinides takes in trying to prove his ideas. Now we need to focus more closely on that approach.

  1. For a start, we need to realize that we are dealing with the views of an unconverted mind. The whole presentation, for the whole 26 hours Kyriacos Stavrinides is on camera, is totally carnal. This is made very clear time and again by the way he reasons and by the way he deals with the Scriptures ... carnally! It is made equally clear by the way he handles the questions that challenge his ideas.
  2. He knows very well that there is an abundance of Biblical evidence that unequivocally contradicts and disproves his ideas.
  3. He knows equally well that his own ideas originate with pagan philosophers and with "theologians" of the Catholic Church.
  4. Thus he must attempt to somehow show that .."the Scriptures that leap to mind" (Mr. Joe Tkach Jr., Tape #1) that contradict what he is saying don't actually mean what they plainly state. He attempts to do this by claiming:

    These are all the expressions of a mind that is hostile to God and His Word ... God couldn't possibly mean precisely what He says. It is a mind that is not subject to God, just as Romans 8:7 describes.

  5. Next, he must attempt to somehow show that what pagan philosophers and Catholic "theologians" have concluded is correct and therefore we should accept it. He attempts to do this by:
  6. His attitude to questions is clearly hostile. He frequently tries to ridicule the questions. At other times he says things like: I don't like that question, I don't understand the question, you are not allowed to ask me ..., we have already answered that question earlier, "what do you mean ... IF", "if THAT is a question, then we have answered it", etc.. He tries his best to pull the questions apart ... just like people might have done on Mars hill in the days of old. If he can make the questioner look foolish, then maybe people won't notice that he actually hasn't really answered the question at all. He has merely questioned the question. As I mentioned above, this is a very carnally-minded approach to questions.
  7. His explanations rely very heavily on the use of analogies, many of which are extremely odd; for example:

    FACT: Analogies can never be used to PROVE anything! An analogy is just an analogy, that's all! It doesn't prove a thing!

    Yet, in his presentation, Dr. Stavrinides frequently presents analogies and then concludes with something like: "WE HAVE PROVED THAT ...". This kind of approach ignores logic and sound reasoning.

  8. To prove his points, he will quote the GREEK word used in an O.T. scripture ... i.e. from the LXX version. At times he also quotes the LATIN word from the Vulgate to make a point.

    FACT: God inspired ONLY the Hebrew text of the Old Testament. The Greek word used in the LXX is totally irrelevant ... it adds no more weight to the argument than the CHINESE equivalent for the Hebrew word in question! Ditto for any Latin word from the Vulgate.

    A later section will prove that the Septuagint (LXX) is a forgery ... it wasn't produced by anyone in B.C. times at all. So any quote from the LXX is a meaningless statement in the argument.

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